Anti Extremism Strategy: Building the National Harmony in Pakistan


  • Zia Ur Rehman Post-Doc Fellow & Faculty Member, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia,
  • Asad Ullah Khan Research Scholar, Dept of Leadership and Managment Studies, National Defence University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Hassan Faheem Independent Researcher, Islamabad, Pakistan,



Anti Extremism, National Harmony, Baluchistan, Sindh, Policy, Inter-province conflicts


This study aims to analyse the prevailing situation in the country and to address National Harmony in Pakistan. The challenge of achieving national harmony is discussed in the paper by analysing different theoretical approaches and definitions given by different scholars. The issue of national harmony in Pakistan lies in the conflict between provinces on different issues ranging from 18th amendment to sharing resources. Both Baluchistan and Sindh are considered as problematic provinces with having grave issues and at the moment are exporting the problem of absence of national integration to other parts of the country. Various initiatives including positive role of media and youth in developing national harmony are also discussed from various aspects in the paper. At the end policy recommendations are drafted in order to gain national integration and national harmony in the multi-cultural society of Pakistan.

