The Repositioning of the Conflict Resolution in South Asia: A Key for Progressive Pakistan
The growing international concerns and changing dimensions in terms of global strategic interests are introducing the region of South Asia an epicenter of the great games, where the political situation of bordering states like Afghanistan are making the available options less opportunistic for Pakistan to decide where to go and whom to support. Unwillingly or unfortunately after the incident of 9/11, the world politics looked towards Pakistan as a coin of long life without knowing the reservations of its democratic society against the war on terror. Under the leadership of a Democratic President, the United States of America pushed a dictator in Pakistan to legitimize an ambiguous war. It was not very simple for Pakistan to jump into hell but the presence of president Musharraf made it easy for the US to achieve its objectives. The story is not as smooth and easy-going as it looks because as a result, Pakistan had lost a lot of what we have never thought and invested to vanish. It was a step, which affected Pakistan’s well-articulated and well-managed policy in the region, particularly for India and Afghanistan. Pakistan’s acceptance and support in the US-led war on terror placed a full stop for our future options and opportunities, which eventually opened new avenues for India, a state on the waiting list. India had always believed in the inversely proportional relationship for its progress when it comes to Pakistan and as result, we are suffering a lot. Interestingly and amazingly this is not an end but a new start for progressive Pakistan. In this paper, I will try to throw some light on the future and possible opportunistic ways for Pakistan to regain its progressive pace to become an ‘Asian Tiger’ by avoiding traditional conflictual policy with India. For that, I will emphasize and explore the causes, character, prospectus, and nature of the conflict in South Asia. For a brief look at the pace of the issue, this paper will also focus on the emergence and the effects of the nuclear environment in South Asia and possible prospects for conflict resolution.

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